The two curves are invariant under a map T of
the plane into itself defined by the following rule in terms of the two potential
equichordal points O1 and O2:
If you are at point P, walk in the direction of O1
by distance 1; when you are done, walk in the direction of O2
by distance 1. The final point Q of your trip is the image of P
under T, i.e. Q=T(P).
If the coordinates are chosen so that O1=(-b,0) and O2=(b,0),
where b is a half of the excentricity (as in the above movie) then the two
curves are unique analytic curves invariant under T and passing throuh points (-1/2,0)
and (1/2,0) respectively, and not equal to the x-axis (which is also
Although numerical studies indicate clearly that the union of these two curves is not a
Jordan curve, the solution of the Equichordal Point Problem for all excentricities in the
range (0,1) takes about 70 journal pages.
It proves that the problem reduces to studying properties of the following functional